A celebration of garden living in Houston, Texas

Grow with Us!

Heather Hendrick Heather Hendrick

Houston’s Fall Tomato Guide

Everything you need to know about starting tomatoes this fall in Houston plus, a downloadable pdf to get your tomatoes off to a great start this season!

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Heather Hendrick Heather Hendrick

Patio Tomato, Salad, and Herb Planters

Want to grow tomatoes and herbs this year, but not ready to commit to a full-blown garden just yet? Or maybe you’re short on space? Meet our patio gardens!

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Heather Hendrick Heather Hendrick

Why Gravel is Our Go-To in our Garden Designs

Although there are several more technical reasons for installing gravel as the base in our gardens, here’s the short and simple truth: a garden you want to be in is a garden that thrives.

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Heather Hendrick Heather Hendrick

Some Plants Grow Vertically. Not all Trellises are Created Equally!

If you want to grow vegetables like peas, cucumbers, beans, tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, eggplants, tomatillos, cantaloupe, or winter squash, you’ll need vertical growing space. Our trellises are custom-fabricated, one-piece, steel, and extremely sturdy. Plain and simple: you can’t buy anything comparable online or from a store anywhere in town.

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Heather Hendrick Heather Hendrick

What to Expect as a Monarch Maintenance Client

We offer ongoing maintenance plans for your garden. Want access to fresh, organic produce year-round right in your own backyard but don’t want to do the work? We can take care of your garden for you.

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Heather Hendrick Heather Hendrick

Do Raised Beds Really Matter?

We’ll get into the nerdy details about raised beds in this post, but here’s the plain and simple truth: people whose gardens are set up in a comfortable way actually enjoy spending time in their gardens! When you spend time in your garden – guess what - your garden thrives!

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Heather Hendrick Heather Hendrick

Failure is Not Free

I’ve been gardening for over 25 years, and I’m pretty sure I made every mistake a new gardener can make. While I learned a lot, my mistakes also cost our family a lot!

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Heather Hendrick Heather Hendrick

A Garden is Convenient

Gardens are incredible for many reasons, but my favorite reason is the most practical reason: A garden is convenient. As we all know, there is definitely a cost associated with convenience.

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Heather Hendrick Heather Hendrick

How Freshness Impacts Flavor

As soon as a vegetable is harvested, the plant starts to break down. Not only does the nutritional make-up of a plant change – the flavor profile is drastically altered.

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Heather Hendrick Heather Hendrick

Grow Foods You Can’t Buy Anywhere Else!

Want to eat a tomato? When you visit your favorite grocery store, you’ll find they only carry 2-3 varieties of fresh tomatoes. Did you know hundreds of varieties of tomatoes exist? Imagine the nutrients and flavors we’re missing out on in our diet!

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