Why Gravel is Our Go-To in our Garden Designs

Although there are several more technical reasons for installing gravel as the base in our gardens, here’s the short and simple truth: a garden you want to be in is a garden that thrives.

If you dread going out to your garden to harvest fresh herbs or veggies because the ground is a soggy mess, guess what: you won’t go out to your garden.

If you can only be in your garden on days it doesn’t rain or once the dew has evaporated off the ground, then no shocker here, but you will be less likely to spend time in what should be one of your favorite spots on earth.

Gravel in our garden areas not only keeps the ground dry, you can’t beat the look of gravel as the base material in a garden. Gravel is beautiful AND functional.

Functionally, gravel helps with drainage of the garden beds. Remember, plants need water, but they don’t like sitting in it. Gravel helps displace water from the roots of plants in raised beds.

Grass and mulch as the base of a garden not only trap moisture, they attract and house pests. Gravel stays dry and actually deters bugs and insects from making their home in the garden.

Gravel Choices

Choosing a gravel that coordinates well with the material of your garden boxes is part of the fun of designing a garden. The gravel you choose can make a drastic difference in overall appearance of your completed garden.


Brown tones with hints of gray, pea gravel is beautiful with cedar and raw steel.


Black star is dark gray and looks black when it’s wet. This gravel is versatile and looks great with almost any material choice.


Crushed granite is a beautiful earthy tone and compliments almost all of the materials we use to build garden boxes. It’s much more compact and smaller than the other types of gravel options which makes it a great option if you want to include a seating area or other outdoor elements like a fire pit in your garden.


Rainbow gravel is gorgeous. With tones of blue, brown, white, and grey, this gravel compliments every garden material and really changes depending on what color it’s up against.


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