What to Expect as a Monarch Maintenance Client

We offer ongoing maintenance plans for your garden. Want access to fresh, organic produce year-round right in your own backyard but don’t want to do the work? We can take care of your garden for you. 

We offer bi-weekly and quarterly maintenance options.

Bi-Weekly: Want to spend some time working in your garden, but really can’t commit to being fully responsible for your garden’s care? No problem. Our team shows up every other week and fills in the gaps for you. We tag team with you to keep your garden growing year-round.  For each of our bi-weekly maintenance clients, we create a custom year-round growing plan based on exactly what you want to grow.  The growing plan tells us exactly when to plant the veggies you need and exactly when to remove them.  So, your garden is packed with the plants you want to eat and producing every single week.

Quarterly: Even our most avid gardeners love our quarterly maintenance option. At the start of each growing season (spring, summer, fall, and winter) we do a makeover on your garden. We remove what needs to be removed. We plant what you want planted for the season. We fertilize with organic fertilizer and amend your beds with fresh compost. We help you get your garden off to a great start each season – then you take it from there!

Getting a quote for maintenance on your existing garden is a breeze. Click the button below!


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