Gardening with Kids:  How Gardening Affects Your Child’s Brain, Body, and Soul

(The following excerpt is taken from

For parents struggling to find ways to encourage their kids to eat a healthy and balanced diet, gardening can be an important tool.

How gardening can affect the brain

There is a myriad of scientific concepts you can discuss with your kids when planting and tending to a garden.  One study showed that children who participated in gardening projects scored higher in science achievement that those who did not.

My son, Hayden Hendrick, starting seedlings in egg cartons he saved

Once you harvest your produce, think of all the brain-building vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients your kids will be eating and how that will continue to boost brain development.

Hayden harvesting squash. When kids grow vegetables from seeds, they are so much more willing to try them!

 How gardening can affect the body

When children participate in gardening, the fruits and vegetables they are inspired to eat will no doubt have a positive effect on their body.  But the act of gardening itself can also promote a healthy body.

These days, all kids could benefit from a little more physical activity and sunshine they’ll get while gardening.  Activities like moving soil, carrying a heavy watering can, digging in the dirt, and pushing a wheelbarrow can promote gross motor skills and overall strength for a more fit body.  Plus, these activities, known as “heavy work” have been shown to help kids stay calm and focused.

How gardening can affect the soul

Studies show that when children have contact with soil during activities like digging and planting, they have improved moods, better learning experiences and decreased anxiety.  Most important, the self-esteem a child gets from eating a perfect cucumber that he grew himself is priceless.


Want Fresh, Organic Veggies Year-Round, but not Sure You Have the Time Required to Take Care of Your Garden?  No Problem!


Fruit Trees, Pollinator Spaces, and Berries