Want Fresh, Organic Veggies Year-Round, but not Sure You Have the Time Required to Take Care of Your Garden?  No Problem!

There are all sorts of reasons for wanting a garden in your backyard.

Sure, some people want a garden so they can learn to garden or hone their skills.

However, a lot of people simply want access to fresh, organic produce right outside their backdoor every single week. 

Maybe you don’t have time to learn to garden or take care of your garden.  Maybe you don’t even want to learn!  Maybe you don’t have time even if you did want to learn.

That’s okay!

Our team can take care of your garden for you and take all the guesswork out of what to plant and when to plant it.

We offer bi-weekly and quarterly maintenance options.

We can stop by every other week and completely take care of your garden for you (your only job is to eat out of your garden!).  We can also stop by quarterly if all you need is a seasonal swap-out at the beginning of each growing season (four times a year).

Bi-weekly maintenance includes pretty much everything.  We create a customized growing plan for the year based on exactly what you want to grow.  Then we keep your garden producing all year long.  We constantly remove plants that need to be removed and replace with new plants according to the growing schedule we’ve created just for you!  We also add fresh compost every three months at the beginning of each growing season.

Every other week we stop by, clear out all garden debris at the soil level, prune all plants, tie up plants that need to be tied up, add stakes as needed, harvest, water, fertilize with organic fertilizer, and treat for any pests we find (organically).  You get a detailed note after each visit letting you know exactly what we accomplished.

For seasonal swap-outs four times a year, we clean out all spent plants, add several inches of compost, replant according to your preferences, water, and fertilize with organic fertilizer to get your garden off to a great start for the season.  Then you take care of your garden until the start of the next season!

No matter how often you want to be in your garden – the Monarch Team has you covered!


Gardening for Your Health – A Hobby that Increases Longevity!


Gardening with Kids:  How Gardening Affects Your Child’s Brain, Body, and Soul