A Garden is Convenient

We’ll never try and convince you that you’ll save money by installing one of our gardens. Maybe you will eventually, but let’s get real and do some simple math: you’d have to eat a whole lot of lettuce to see a dent in your grocery bill just because you installed one of our gardens.

So if it’s not to save a ton of money at the grocery store, what’s so great about a garden?

Gardens are incredible for many reasons, but my favorite reason is the most practical reason:

A garden is convenient.

As we all know, there is definitely a cost associated with convenience.

Busy day that turned into a busy evening? I can’t tell you how many times I run out to the garden on hectic evenings, grab some herbs, maybe some kale, a squash, an onion, and a handful of whatever other veggies are growing and throw together a pasta dish our family inhales. No grocery run required!

Got friends stopping by? Want to mix up some quick cocktails? There’s not much that’s more fun and practical than popping out to the garden to snip some mint, basil, or rosemary to add to a quick drink.

Pizza night? Let me tell you my favorite secret: level up (drastically) any takeout pizza with fresh basil and a handful of garden-grown arugula.

Cooking a recipe? You never have to wonder if you have the herbs you need. You always have the herbs you need!

Want a quick snack? I can’t tell you how many times my lunch is a giant plate of veggies from the garden and my favorite Trader Joe’s hummus.

Ready to throw together a quick salad? You can literally grow salad greens year-round in Texas.

Making a sandwich or wrap? Want to add fresh lettuce? You can, pretty much any day of the year.

There’s so much to love about a garden, but convenience is at the top of the list!


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