Grow Foods You Can’t Buy Anywhere Else!

Want to eat a tomato? When you visit your favorite grocery store, you’ll find they only carry 2-3 varieties of fresh tomatoes.  Did you know hundreds of varieties of tomatoes exist?

Want green beans? If you buy green beans from the grocery store, your green beans will be, well….green. But did you know you can grow yellow beans, purple beans, maroon beans - a literal rainbow of “green” bean varieties can be grown in your garden in Houston!

When you have your own vegetable garden, you can grow varieties of every vegetable that you can’t buy at any local grocery store.  You won’t even find the plants at your local nursery!

For example, did you know there are tiger-striped tomatoes?  Purple okra?  Cucumbers that look like lemons?  Or green beans that grow up to two feet long?

It’s kind of fun to know you might be the only family in Houston eating a bumblebee cherry tomato!  Not only is growing fun varieties of foods a lot of fun – think about how much more rich and diverse the nutritional value is in such a large variety of fresh veggies?  Don’t get us started on how much flavor these unique varieties of vegetables contain!

Want to have some fun?  Spend some time looking through this website:  Baker Creek Seeds

You’ll find so many fun varieties of vegetables you can plant in your garden – some of them you may not have ever seen or tried before.  You may not have even known they exist!

Here’s to a whole new world of eating!


How Freshness Impacts Flavor


Gardening for Your Health – A Hobby that Increases Longevity!