
Sunflowers are so fun to grow in Houston!

Yellow Sunflower in Garden

Have you ever harvested sunflower seeds? The first time I did it I was shocked by how many seeds are in one flower head!

Here’s how to know when it’s time to harvest the seeds:

  • Flower Heads Begin to Droop: One of the first signs that your sunflower seeds are maturing is when the flower heads start to droop. This indicates that the seeds are becoming heavier and the plant is beginning to age. Why does everything have to droop as it ages? Asking for a friend! Ha!

  • Petals Fall Off: As the sunflower matures, its petals will start to wilt and eventually fall off. The plant turns ugly, y’all. When most of the petals have dropped, it’s a good indication the seeds are almost ready.

  • Back of the Flower Head Turns Brown: Check the back of the sunflower head. When it turns from green to yellow and eventually brown, it means the seeds are getting close to harvest time.

  • Seeds Puff Up and Harden: The seeds themselves should look plump and feel firm. (I just whispered “that’s what she said” because I have way too many sons, you guys). You might have to gently scrape off a small section of the flower head to see the seeds. If you can easily dent them with your fingernail, they’re not quite ready yet.

  • Seeds Begin to Loosen: When the seeds are fully mature, they will start to loosen and may fall out with a gentle rub.

Are you growing sunflowers? Have you harvested them before? Roasting sunflower seeds is easy!

  • Rinse unshelled seeds.

  • Place 2 cups of seeds in a pot with 8 cups of water and ¼ cup quality salt.

  • Stir and bring to a boil.

  • Reduce heat and simmer for 15-20 min.

  • Drain seeds.

  • Lay seeds out on several layers of paper towels to dry. Pat dry and let sit for about 15 min. They roast best when they are dry.

  • Place on a cookie sheet in a single layer.

  • Cook in 400 degree oven for 10 min. Stir. Cook about 5 more min.  Don’t let them burn!

  • Remove seeds from oven. Cool. Eat!

    You can experiment with how much salt to boil them in and even add extra salt or fun spices like Tajin and lime before roasting!

Bonus Tip:

If you don't let your seeds dry out on the plant (you can), bring the flower head inside, hang upside down above a large paper sack (the sack will catch the seeds).  Let dry until seeds are ready!


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