Monarch Garden Maintenance

No green thumb required!

Want a gorgeous, productive garden, but you’re short on time? Does walking outside to harvest fresh, organic herbs and vegetables year-round sound like a dream come true, but you’re not sure you can make the magic happen on your own?

We have great news! Bringing the garden magic is Monarch’s specialty!

You enjoy the harvest! We do the hard work.

What to Expect as a Monarch Maintenance Client

Our highly-trained garden team creates a custom year-long planting plan based on what you want to grow to keep your garden thriving all year. Our team utilizes your custom plan to know when to add plants, remove plants, fertilize, and add compost so that your bed is full and productive every month.

What’s included as a maintenance client? Pretty much everything. Including plants and compost!

  • Debris removed from garden beds

  • Pruning

  • Trellising vertical growing plants

  • Staking large plants

  • Removing leaves touching the soil or damaged

  • Removing spent plants

  • Adding plant labels

  • Adding compost

  • Adding plants according to your plant preferences

  • Treating for pests when needed

  • Adding organic fertilizer

  • Harvesting

  • After visit summary explaining the garden tasks that were completed

Monarch Garden Maintenance Options

Bi-Weekly Garden Maintenance

  • Our garden team takes care of your garden every other week. You’ll have a set day of the week when we visit. We keep your garden productive and thriving all year long using a custom planting plan based on what you want to grow throughout the year. We make sure old plants are removed and new plants are added according to schedule. Some varieties of vegetables have short growing windows. We make sure you never miss an important window to grow the vegetables you want to eat! This option is a great fit for new or inexperienced gardeners, however, even avid gardeners who don’t have time to be in their garden regularly enjoy this option as well. Because we visit every other week, your garden is fully taken care of and will look beautiful. You won’t feel stressed to get garden tasks completed. However, if you want to work in your garden, there will still be things you can do between our visits.

Bi-Weekly Garden Maintenance with Coaching

  • Enjoy everything in our Bi-Weekly Garden Maintenance Option but you’re invited to be outside with our team while we work in your garden. You can ask questions. We will explain to you what we’re doing and why in your garden. Take notes. You can even help if you want. You’ll have a set day of the week for your visit. This option is only a good fit for someone who is flexible regarding the time window for the maintenance/coaching visit. The team will be there on a set day, however, the time we arrive can vary due to demands in gardens on the schedule prior to yours.

Quarterly Garden Maintenance

  • Our team will visit at the start of each season to prepare the garden for the upcoming season. This is great for gardeners who know their way around a garden and have time to devote to keeping their garden thriving. Our team stops by at the beginning of the season to remove all plants that need to come out of the garden and add compost and plants you want to grow for the new season.

Garden Maintenance Any Time

  • Take care of your garden yourself, but feel free to reach out for help when you need it! We will send you a quote based on the needs of your garden at that time.


Our 2024 Planting Calendar is available on our shop now!

Follow us on Instagram and/or TikTok for daily garden inspiration!

Wanting a garden of your very own? Want to add more garden beds? We'd love to help you create your dream garden space. Get growing now!

Need help designing and installing landscaping beds or rethinking your outdoor spaces? We'll be right over. Get started now!

Check out the Monarch Garden Company Shop for trellises, planters, DIY cedar beds and more!

Want seasonal recipes and ideas for how to make the garden a part of your everyday life? Check out Monarch Living

Looking for ongoing help taking care of your vegetable garden? Check out what Monarch Garden Company Maintenance has to offer (hint: it's a lot)!

Need garden coaching? Wanting to plant something new? Things not going great in your garden? Want some help troubleshooting? Learn more about our Garden Coaching and get on the schedule!

Check out our Amazon Storefront for products we love in the garden and other fun items we use to bring the garden to our table!


August in the Houston Garden

