The Trick to a Full Garden Year-Round

Want a full, productive garden all year long in Houston? Or want to maximize your garden’s production no matter where you live? It’s possible!

Making this a reality comes down to this one simple question we ask ourselves every time we are standing in a garden:

What plants will we remove from the garden in the next 30 days?

This is where the magic happens if you want maximum production in any growing space!

The trick is that right next to every plant we are removing in the next 30 days we plant a new plant or seeds!

Not ever sure when plants should be removed from the garden or what you should plant in their place? Friends, you need our 2024 Planting Calendar! Our team works in gardens every single day! We pass along all our planting tricks in our calendar. You’ll know when to remove and plant every plant we grow in raised bed gardens!

Here’s one specific example of how this planting trick works in the garden

  • 30 days from now we’ll remove dill and cilantro from all of our gardens.

  • We have been busy planting basil seeds and basil plants behind dill and cilantro plants.

  • When we remove the dill and cilantro, there won’t be an empty spot in the garden. Instead - hello basil - it’s your time to shine

Cheers to tucking plants into the garden all year long in Houston!


Buy our 2024 Planting Calendar now!

Follow us on Instagram and/or TikTokfor daily garden inspiration!

Wanting to start a patio garden? You’ll love our Patio Salad Planter! Grow salad greens and herbs year-round on your patio AND get our online course to learn exactly how to care for your planter for FREE!

Need help designing and installing landscaping beds or rethinking your outdoor spaces? We'll be right over. Get started HERE.

Check out our Amazon Storefront for products we love in the garden and other fun items we use to bring the garden to our table! 

Order your plants and compost for delivery! Spring Plant Order

Want seasonal recipes and ideas for how to make the garden a part of your everyday life? Check out Monarch Living!

Wanting a garden of your very own? Want to add more garden beds? We'd love to help you create your dream garden space. Click HERE to start the process.

Looking for ongoing help taking care of your vegetable garden? Check out what Monarch Garden Company Maintenance has to offer (it's a lot)!

Need garden coaching? Wanting to plant something new? Things not going great in your garden?  Want some help troubleshooting? Learn more about our Garden Coaching and get on the schedule!


April in the Houston Garden


How To Release Ladybugs