How To Release Ladybugs

Ladybugs are the best friend of the organic garden and now is the time to release them!

If you live in Houston, you can find ladybugs at Cornelius, Wabash, and Buchannan’s.

There's definitely some strategy to releasing these little ladies in the garden:

  • Only release ladybugs in the evening. Ladybugs don't fly at night! By giving them a night in the garden, you hope they find lots of insects to snack on and decide to stay!

  • Water your garden lightly before releasing the ladybugs. They are parched when they come out of the container.

  • Release about 1/3 of the ladybugs each evening. There are over 500 in most containers! Keep in the refrigerator until they are released.

  • Release near plants that are prone to aphid infestations (lettuces, cucumbers, bok choy, etc). Make it easy for the ladies to find food!

Ladybug Facts:

  • Ladybugs eat aphids and other soft-bodied insects like mites

  • One ladybug can eat up to 50 aphids a day

  • One ladybug can eat 5,000 aphids in a lifetime!

  • Even in their larval stage they consume a ridiculous amount of aphids and other pests.

  • Adult ladybugs also serve as great pollinators!

  • Attract ladybugs to the garden by planting plenty of flowers (in multiple colors).


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