Irrigation: Is the Garden Being Watered Adequately?

Your plants will be the first to tell you if you need to adjust the irrigation in your garden.

Regardless of your irrigation method, the first thing to look at when you are wondering if the garden is getting the right amount of water is the plants leaves.

Lots of yellow leaves are a sign of too much water. You will typically see this after there is a lot of rain, or once the weather starts to really cool down.

If there is a lot of rain in the forecast, it is a good idea to turn off or reduce your irrigation until it clears up.

Lots of dry, browning leaves is a sign the garden the garden isn’t getting enough water and it is time to increase the irrigation.

Typically in the summer, you may also see your leaves wilt during the day. It is normal for them to do so on a hot day! However, if the leaves are not recovering by the evening, the garden could use more water.

It is a good idea to also check your soil. If the top 2” still feel wet to the touch at the end of the day, you can reduce the irrigation. Or if at any point n the day the soil feels really dry, especially 2” or more under, the garden needs more water.

We like to use drip irrigation in our gardens, here’s why.


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