Why We Only Use Steel Trellises In Houston Gardens

If you’ve lived in Houston for more than 12.5 minutes you know the weather is insane.

Sure, it’s tempting to skimp on trellises and find cheaper options or even cute, wooden designs - but it will cost you in the long-run.

Monarch’s Steel Trellises:

  • Are very sturdy. These tough trellises stayed standing through 80+ mph wind gusts. My garden is on the east side of our yard. The winds were coming hardest from the East and South during Hurricane Beryl (almost no protection for my garden from the winds) and they did not budge. A tree fell down right by my garden, but the trellises - they stood tall!

  • Last a decade (at least). Because they are made of heavy-duty steel, our trellises do not rot or break. Our trellises are one-piece solid steel (no kits) so they are incredibly sturdy. Remember: if you use wooden trellises in H-town, they will rot quickly. We water gardens a lot due to the heat. This means wooden trellises will deteriorate quickly!

  • Protect your plants. Want to know the worst thing about a trellis blowing over during a storm? Losing all the plants attached to it! If your trellis falls - it almost always rips the plants attached to it out of the ground. Plants you waited three months to harvest might go bye-bye before you ever got that cucumber or tomato!

  • Are easy to touch up. Right after a freeze when my trellises are bare, it’s easy to give them a quick touchup with paint.

Check out how our teaching garden looked following Hurricane Beryl on Instagram.

Ready for steel trellises in your garden? We offer them for pick up and delivery in the Houston area, and can even deliver to the College Station/Bryan area.


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Wanting to start a patio garden? You’ll love our Patio Salad Planter! Grow salad greens and herbs year-round on your patio AND get our online course to learn exactly how to care for your planter for FREE!

Need help designing and installing landscaping beds or rethinking your outdoor spaces? We'll be right over. Get started HERE.

Check out our Amazon Storefront for products we love in the garden and other fun items we use to bring the garden to our table! 

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Want seasonal recipes and ideas for how to make the garden a part of your everyday life? Check out Monarch Living!

Wanting a garden of your very own? Want to add more garden beds? We'd love to help you create your dream garden space. Click HERE to start the process.

Looking for ongoing help taking care of your vegetable garden? Check out what Monarch Garden Company Maintenance has to offer (it's a lot)!

Need garden coaching? Wanting to plant something new? Things not going great in your garden?  Want some help troubleshooting? Learn more about our Garden Coaching and get on the schedule!


Irrigation: Is the Garden Being Watered Adequately?


August in the Houston Garden