Parker Balombin: Middle School Green Thumb!

Meet Parker Balombin. Parker is 12 years old. He’s in seventh grade at Spring Branch Middle School. Like most middle school boys, he’s the perfect mix of funny, sweet, and shy. Unlike most middle school boys, Parker is an incredible gardener!

Parker’s parents, Tim and Nadine, installed a garden with Parker in mind. For several years Parker had been fascinated with the garden at their previous home. When they moved to the Memorial area, the Balombins knew Parker would need a new garden.

Since he was three years old, Parker was drawn to the garden. “I like planting the plants that I put into the ground with my own hands and watching them grow as well as eating them with my whole family,” states Parker. When it comes to food, his family truly brings the garden to the dinner table. Tabbouleh, mashed potatoes, kale salad, and fattoush (a Lebanese cucumber salad) are family favorites with fresh ingredients harvested from Parker’s garden. Parker and his siblings even take turns making dinner and experimenting with seasonal recipes and ingredients from the garden.

Parker’s favorite vegetable to grow? Tomatoes! “They always last the longest, and they are probably the most fun to watch and grow,” states Parker. Tomatoes are also a hit with Parker because of the quantity you can grow in just a couple of garden beds. He had an entire bowl of recently harvested cherry tomatoes tucked into the refrigerator!

Is there anything Parker dislikes about gardening? He didn’t hesitate when asked - “The bugs! Especially in the heat when you have a mealy bug infestation. When you’re trying to tend to the garden and all the bugs are flying in your face in the 100 degree heat in Houston, it can be really challenging,” states Parker.

When it comes to issues in the garden, it’s a family affair at the Balombin house. Although Tim, Nadine, and Parker each do their part to research and troubleshoot issues in the garden, Parker says, “My dad is best at researching, and my mom and I carry out the research.”

As gardens tend to do, they bring people together. Parker and his 90 year old neighbor trade gardening tips, share the food from their gardens with each other, and even exchange seeds!

Big thanks to the Balombin family and especially Parker for sharing their garden and story with us! Parker, we’re so impressed with your garden and inspired by your curiosity and fascination with creating a garden and watching it grow!

Monarch community, look out for Parker! We have a feeling it won’t be long until he’s interning with Monarch Garden Company and helping your gardens grow!

Want to know how to make the Lebanese salad Parker likes to make with his cherry tomatoes? His mom, Nadine, recently taught us to make it! Find the recipe and video HERE!

If you have a garden in Houston or know a Houston gardener who we should highlight on Monarch Living, let us know! We’re working on a really fun project to celebrate Houston gardens and gardeners! To be featured, email


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