Grow a Salad Garden Year-Round on your Patio! We’ll Teach You How!

Did you know you can grow a salad garden on your patio year-round in Houston? Eat organic kale, seasonal lettuces, and herbs every single week! We have two options for you to get growing on your patio:

  1. Purchase your Salad Patio Planter from the Monarch Team (comes with the Salad Planter Online Course - a $25 value).

  2. DIY Salad Patio Planter! Our Salad Planter Online Course will teach you exactly what you need for your planter, how to set it up, how to take care of your planter and maintain it, how to harvest each of the plants, and you’ll get our Lettuce Guide so you know exactly what lettuces grow best year-round in Houston.

Purchase Your Turn-Key Salad Planter from Monarch Garden Company!

Our salad garden includes four of our favorite seasonal lettuces, two kale varieties, and herbs perfect for salads or salad dressings (parsley, chives, dill, and oregano). You’ll swap your lettuces out once a year, but the kale and herbs stay year-round! You’ll also receive our Patio Salad Garden Online Course for FREE so you know exactly how to take care of your planter, how to harvest each of the plants, and when to swap out your lettuces. The course includes our lettuce guide so you know exactly which lettuces to choose when you swap them out once a year.

The Patio Salad Garden is $300. We deliver to most zip codes in Houston.

To purchase head over to our SHOP!

DIY Patio Salad Garden with our Online Course!

Want to create your own Patio Salad Garden? You’ve got this! We’ll teach you everything you need to know in our Patio Salad Garden Online Course!

The course is $25. It’s packed with information!

Module 1: Learn how to set up your patio salad garden!

Module 2: We’ll teach you everything you need to know to take care of your salad garden.

Module 3: You’ll get our lettuce guide, so you know which lettuces grow best no matter what time of year you’re setting up your salad garden!

Module 4: We’ll teach you how to harvest each of the plants in your patio salad garden.

To start the Patio Salad Garden Online Course go HERE!


Gifts for Gardeners


USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Update