Birth Flowers

Did you know we each have a birth flower? Have you ever thought about planting a Family Garden; a garden filled with the birth flowers of all the people you love? Here are the birth flowers we can grow here in zone 9!

Here are the birth flowers for each month of the year! We have bolded the flowers that can grow here in Houston, zone 9.

January: Carnation and Snowdrops

February: Primrose and Violet

March: Daffodil

April: Daisy and Sweet Pea

May: Lily of the Valley and Hawthorn

June: Rose and Honeysuckle

July: Larkspur and Water Lily

August: Gladiola and Poppy

September: Aster and Morning Glory

October: Marigolds and Cosmos

November: Chrysanthemums and Peony

December: Paperwhites and Holly

Want a Family Garden of your own? We can help!

Let Monarch design and install a dedicated Family Garden in your yard or find the perfect spots to tuck these special plants into your existing landscaping.

It’s so sweet having plants grow and bloom throughout the year in your yard that represent and celebrate the people you love!


Buy our 2024 Planting Calendar now!

Follow us on Instagram and/or TikTokfor daily garden inspiration!

Wanting to start a patio garden? You’ll love our Patio Salad Planter! Grow salad greens and herbs year-round on your patio AND get our online course to learn exactly how to care for your planter for FREE!

Need help designing and installing landscaping beds or rethinking your outdoor spaces? We'll be right over. Get started HERE.

Check out our Amazon Storefront for products we love in the garden and other fun items we use to bring the garden to our table! 

Order your plants and compost for delivery! Spring Plant Order

Want seasonal recipes and ideas for how to make the garden a part of your everyday life? Check out Monarch Living!

Wanting a garden of your very own? Want to add more garden beds? We'd love to help you create your dream garden space. Click HERE to start the process.

Looking for ongoing help taking care of your vegetable garden? Check out what Monarch Garden Company Maintenance has to offer (it's a lot)!

Need garden coaching? Wanting to plant something new? Things not going great in your garden?  Want some help troubleshooting? Learn more about our Garden Coaching and get on the schedule!


Holes in your Plants this Spring? Here’s What You Need to Know.


April in the Houston Garden