A Resolution for Lasting Change

As a Registered Nurse, I know firsthand how futile it is to treat symptoms without addressing the underlying disease.

I don’t know about you, but making resolutions around health that would only work if somehow I turned into a completely different human on January 1 who magically doesn’t like chocolate and loves to kill it at the gym - never works.

Hear me out, friends…

A garden may not be all you need, but imagine a reality where you see organic produce growing right outside your back door every single day.

Where you walk outside every day and are captivated by the miracle of new life and growth and all of your senses are engaged.

You’re alive. You’re awake. You’re present.

You’re connected to the earth and suddenly want to cook something with the bounty it has provided.

Suddenly it’s less about what not to eat. Instead - you find yourself energized and excited about the endless possibilities and health benefits the garden offers every single week.

Slowly but surely there is a seismic shift in the way you see food and the way you see yourself.

Food becomes fun and life-giving.

You experience change - lasting real change.

Cheers to living and eating in abundance in 2024! Cheers to more food. To filling up on seasonal produce. To connecting with our food. To gorging ourselves on goodness.

If you’re ready to get growing, we’d love to help.

The best news: you can know ZERO about gardening. Our team can take you from grass to garden in one day and keep you growing year-round.


Winter is Coming!


January Garden-to-Table Recipes